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Thread: Project still alive?

  1. #1
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    Question Project still alive?

    Hello Everyone,

    This is my first post here, so I hope that I do this right.
    I maybe want to join the Distributed.NET OGR project.

    I already asked on a Dutch forum if the project is still going on.
    They said that is had no help to join, because the project is almost over.
    I doubt that...

    So here's my question:

    If I join the OGR project, how long can I approximately let my PC doing this project?
    This because if I set it for a few days, I think it is wasted "CPU power".

    I cannot find the answer on this question at the project's page, so that is why I am here.
    I hope I did not violate any forum rule with this topic.

    Greetings, Rik

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    It's 1.41% done in 179 days, so I would say it's not even close to being done

  3. #3
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    Thanks Bok for the supplied information.

    This thead may be closed.

    Greetings, Rik

  4. #4
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Hmm another project to own. lol Time to fire up the home super computer.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  5. #5
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    We are 31 overall and about 16 for yesterday. I'm shooting for the top 10 overall. Anyone want to help with the push? The project is still young and we have a good shot rising quickly.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  6. #6
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    I am currently running OGR on 18 computers and will install a few more in a week or two.
    I'm constantly on lookout for cheap components and computers to add to my farm.
    I enjoy free electricity, but the space the cases take in my rather small apartment is a problem, as well as the noise and the 2kW of heat they generate.

    That being said, I'm planning a "rack closet" which should house 50 or so computers (which is about the point when my fuses begin blowing ). So expect my contribution to increase little by little as my farm grows until I reach that goal, fry due to the heat or my landlord notices the electric bill!

    Good to have you on the project guru!


  7. #7
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    Oh, as for the duration of the project, has estimated it will take about the same time as the previous OGR-27, which was five years.
    While the OGR-28 is more complex project, the algorithm has been improved. ...So it should take around 5-6 years to complete with the predicted rate of work being done.

    The first two stubspaces are almost complete now, and the project's speed (measured in stubs) will increase as the stubs in stubspace 3 are smaller (in nodes).
    Therefore the estimate of completion of OGR-28 around year 2040 is a bit of an overkill at this moment.


  8. #8
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    s07197, great to have you on board. Free electricity does help a lot. Mine isn't free but it is the cheapest in the US close to free. If you want some help finding the most efficient systems for running in your limited space and cooling capacity let me know. Hopefully fall will kick in early so I can fire up the rest of the systems in my shop.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  9. #9
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    Thank you kindly for your offer on the system design.

    I'm planning on using an ordinary cabinet, in which I'll have steel plate "trays" acting as bases for the components, double layered, a bit like this design model:

    I have the cabinet ready to be modified and for the cooling I have a 1200 m3/h extractor fan, which will suck the hot air from the cabinet and vent it out of the apartment. In addition I'm playing with the idea of using an arduino controlled thermostat to control and use the excess heat for the heating of the apartment (with the winters in Finland being kind of chilly...), but that's just an extra idea when I eventually finish the rack cabinet itself.

    There are still some design issues to be tackled, primarily with the tray design. I want them to be height adjustable to accommodate as much hardware as possible in the limited space, as well as allow the maximum possible airflow to control the heat...
    But all in just time, I'll get it done and maybe post some pictures of the final product!

    Out of curiosity, what kind of system are you running yourself? You seem to be putting out pretty impressive numbers in OGR alone!
    ...And also out of curiosity, how much DO you generally pay for electricity in the US? I honestly have no idea...


  10. #10
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Woot, another day and another jump. We are now 28 overall. I got top user for the day and we got top team for the day. Everyone have a beer to celebrate.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  11. #11
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    So, you finally passed me guru!

    But what took you so long?
    (Just kidding)

    Keep on crunching awesomely and the team will be in top 10 in no time!

    I'll add another 3 dualcores as soon as I manage to find HDs for them dirty cheap...


  12. #12
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S07197 View Post
    So, you finally passed me guru!

    But what took you so long?
    (Just kidding)

    Keep on crunching awesomely and the team will be in top 10 in no time!

    I'll add another 3 dualcores as soon as I manage to find HDs for them dirty cheap...

    What can I say I got stuck in traffic.

    Woot, we just made the top 20 overall and have been the top daily producer almost every day. Next stop AT-TBR.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  13. #13
    Hi guys

    Yeah ogr-28 is going to take a good while. Personally, only going to have a few cores on it for the forseeable future.

  14. #14
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Mooing, Mooing, Mooing

    Keep those gnodes flowing.

    Top 12!
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  15. #15
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guru View Post
    Mooing, Mooing, Mooing

    Keep those gnodes flowing.

    Top 12!
    Go Guru, bet those nodes keep cool up there ... I don't wanna know how my node would handle the heat if I could fire her up... need to get me a case and let it do a few Gigs of updates LOL... or dual boot it with Mint
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by guru View Post
    Next stop AT-TBR.
    ...Aaaand there it goes. What next?


  17. #17
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    I had my famous home made burgers tonight! Winter is coming, time to turn up the heat and shoot for top 5.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by guru View Post
    I had my famous home made burgers tonight! Winter is coming, time to turn up the heat and shoot for top 5.
    It's +2 degrees Celsius outside and snowing...
    I have my heating off and two windows open...
    And during the night the inside temp has dropped to 30 degrees!
    ...Getting chilly here too, better get a few more rigs together!


  19. #19
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    We managed to get the daily top spot in both rc5-72 and OGR-28 yesterday. Woot Woot
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  20. #20
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    It was a good run for us in 2014. I ended up in 4th place overall. Now we need to maintain our output to stay ahead of team Ukraine. The majority of my systems have moved to rc5 for 2015.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  21. #21
    Need help. How to set up OGR to queue 1000 wus, keep sending as if finishes and keeps filling the queue to 1000.

  22. #22
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    If you are running more than one system I would recommend setting up a personal proxy(proxyper).
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinhodecarlos View Post
    Need help. How to set up OGR to queue 1000 wus, keep sending as if finishes and keeps filling the queue to 1000.
    You can do that by configuring the client to use dial-up detection only -connection setting. (configuration -> buffer -> keyserver/client -> dialup-link)
    Even if you use permanent connection, the client will behave just as you'd like: Keep the buffer topped at the max level.

    As for multiple machines, setting up personal proxy was (for me personally) just an unnecessary extra work. A huge amount of work, lol.
    So I run my 30 or so machines without pproxy.

    Would have been nice to have that 1000 buffer right now though... Soooo much wasted time with the keyserver down.


  24. #24
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Yea both of my pproxy's are empty. For now I have switched some of my systems over to gimps. I hope the key server is brought back up soon.
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by guru View Post
    Yea both of my pproxy's are empty. For now I have switched some of my systems over to gimps. I hope the key server is brought back up soon.
    Been a week now and not even a status report... Maybe I too should switch to some other project for the time being.
    Not much sense in crunching through "random" RC5 packets, of which most have probably been done already.


  26. #26
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Now that the key servers are back up I am cranking up the heat.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  27. #27
    Junior Member flinchum's Avatar
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    Free-DC will soon be moving up the team rankings! First place is just a matter of time!

  28. #28
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    Keep on crunching guys! Awesome work!

    Unfortunately I'm myself at the maximum production limit, defined by my wallet and fuse capacity.. But will keep on going at the current rate for at least a good while longer.


  29. #29
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    My production is down while I represent us in the SETI wow event. 5 more days I and will return with more power than before.
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  30. #30
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    Keyserver seems to be down again, but work units are still available on (some) proxies, so load up your buffers!
    If this is going to be another long downtime, you'll need to have good heap of work in queue for the duration!


  31. #31
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    Awww yeah. #3.
    Awesome crunching guys!


  32. #32
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    Woot! Time to do the happy dance.
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  33. #33
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    Well, everything good must come to an end.

    My "electricity included" -lease is almost up and during next week I'm doing the rather tedious job of disassembling and getting rid of my farm of ancient crunchers.
    This means my production will be permanently decreased to maybe around 10% of what it has been.

    It was a good (and cheap) run for a good project though!
    You guys keep up the good work and keep on crunching awesomely!


  34. #34
    Big Fat Gorilla guru's Avatar
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    It's been fun! My production has dropped as I am moving my cluster to a new home. I'll be running at a low production rate while work on other projects. Hopefully in the next month or two I will have everything setup again and be cranking away again. This has been a great team effort.
    I'm having fun!!! I'm just not sure if it's net fun or gross fun.

  35. #35
    Oh, the russians seem to take over the 3rd place in a few days

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