Nope these systems are in 1U racks and used only as computing systems. 24/7 stability vs high performance. Many of my AVX systems have the same motherboards and very similar memory. It is possible it is not related directly to the CPU. I have noticed turning off Turbo helps. I will do more testing with a few specific trouble systems and try to isolate the issue.

I don't have a 4690K for testing so I just put the specs to compare it to what i have. If someone else has one that can provide the data that would be good. I have more results to share and I may just put it into a spreadsheet and upload it.

My rookie interpretation of the posted data makes me think on a per core basis the i7-4770K and the E5-2697V2 are roughly the same in production.
It depends on the FFT size. The 4770K is faster at 1024K FFT size but most of what I have seen running are 2560K which puts the 2697V2 about 45% faster than the 4770K

This doesn't directly relate to my day job but everything I learn from it does apply. Knowledge like this doesn't come in a book or a lecture.