Hmm I'm really liking Mint now, only issues I have are 1 minor and 1 major enough to be a PITA...

Minor: One of the fonts chrome uses to display stuff it's different somehow between Windows and Mint, reason being is because I do a screen capture on both of our work schedules as I can look them both up online - the font changes either size or actual font just enough to move a word to the next line and also i think because of this the boxes for each day are a different size... of course my left mouse button sometimes have double click issues when trying to click drag isn't funny..

Major: Trying to use Paint Shop Pro via WINE as it doesn't remember half it's settings or things when moving stuff around it's messes up the display and I can't be sure if it will save it like that or not... I tried to use GIMP but the one thing I can't figure out is how to do a selection based on multiple areas and/or by color as the screen captures aren't always exact.

It runs sweet enough on my Cele T3100 with only 2GB, and I can't upgrade the RAM beyond this mobo spec won't let me....

Only other issue and this is hardware, my fan isn't running as fast as it should I think it overspun one day as it made a horrid noise and now I have issues with it cooling only minor ones but it's either replace the 40mm fan or get a cooling pad as putting a normal deskfan under it works wonders and keeps it cool.... might do both..