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Thread: Unable to set Stats by FAQ instructions

  1. #1
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Exclamation Unable to set Stats by FAQ instructions

    When trying to add your UserID in the Stats Tool Configuration screen for a project,
    you need to watch for any + characters. These are actually spaces.
    When you click on a Project, then your Team, then your UserName you will see something
    like this in that address bar of your browser.
    In BOINC projects this will be your project member ID, not your CPID.

    What you would need to paste as your UserID is everything after name= so you grab 402949Dutch+Power+Cows
    Now you can see the + characters, so we need to take them out and replace them with spaces.
    Here is what you would paste for your UserID: 402949Dutch Power Cows

    I don't see any team name, just numbers...and there is NO userid field on the config page...

    Following the instructions:

    Click on a project (I chose SETI@home) then team (Project Blue Book):

    Click on username (Yavanius):

    Okay, maybe I just use the numbers: 2308730285

    There's no place to put them in!?

    Okay, maybe I need to try it from the Statstool Config page.

    Let's select a project: SETI again, and UPDATE...


    Okay, let's try CLICKING on the project...

    Top 10... Lots of nice charts...

    Oh, up in the corner in the side menu... teams. Okay, maybe that's it...

    Let's search the page for my team... not there. Uh oh, don't tell me...

    First 100 teams... That means I would have to keep scrolling till I found it... (per the instructions, which doesn't even address this)

    Out of curiousity, let's hover over one of the teams. Argh, no team name in the URL, just MORE numbers.

    And, I'm back where I started many minutes later... O.o

    I also tried plugging in just my CPID... which did absolutely nothing...

    *SIGH* There's gotta be an easier way to do this like on BOINCstats...

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    statstool was really built prior to BOINC being around as away to group all the non boinc projects. If you don't run non BOINC projects it doesn't really provide anything for you as you can just use the userbycpid page instead.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Any stat page I go to has no info. Aside from manually looking up my name I can't get any stats...

    I thought that the Config was to set up the pages. Else I don't see anyplace else to configure this... It seems to be CPID based, but I don't see how to enter/link that??

    I was hoping to get this working now as my stats are screwy at BAM! and I wanted to see if I could get the Free-DC stats system configured and see how it worked (outside of the general lookups).

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    You could just use the search facility at the top to get here then link to your cpid page.

    I will fix your statstool entry when I get back home tomorrow..

  5. #5
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    You could just use the search facility at the top to get here then link to your cpid page.

    I will fix your statstool entry when I get back home tomorrow..
    Arigato Mr. RoBokoto.

  6. #6
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    fixed your entry. Please let me know if it links correctly from the sidebar now when you are logged in.

    I've not fixed the underlying reason. Perhaps I'll create a new one which just allows you to set your cpid and team only (for BOINC only users).

  7. #7
    Senior Member Yavanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    fixed your entry. Please let me know if it links correctly from the sidebar now when you are logged in.
    The CPID page links work. I'll give the stats a couple days to sync up properly. Just some minor weirdness that's probably going to right itself after a couple days.

    The Your Page / Your Stats Page don't show anything though.

    Actually, I was goofing around with the URL after the 'page=usermain' and the server doesn't care if I put Gobblygook in there (figuratively and literally). Don't know if that's normal?

    Not sure why you have two CPID links and two Your Page links on the menu though that each do the same thing...

  8. #8
    Okay, totally lost. Have tried repeatedly to enter cross-project CPID in statstool, does nothing. Entered a bunch of individual project #s, they work - but don't have #s for old projects (such as Predictor) or SETI which is down today. Click on "Your CPID Page", get blank page. Paste my CPID into the URL, get same stats as I see at BOINCStats (including SETI), so it works, if only I could get my CPID in the system somehow! THEN I'll worry about adding in old projects, SETI Classic, etc... which is why I came here in the first place! :-)

    You REALLY need a "NOOB GUIDE". And a "create account" link from the Stats page, as I wasted a couple of hours trying to figure out how to even create an account.

  9. #9


    Take back what I said about pasting the CPID working. Doesn't show CMS-Dev stats.

  10. #10
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Statstool is pretty much obsolete. I'm not sure anyone is really using it so I've never kept it up to date.

    if cms-dev stats aren't showing it'll almost certainly be due to split cpid. If you point me to you cpid page I'll see what I can find.

  11. #11
    If Statstool obsolete, where do we PUT our CPID???? And "your cpid page" is working today somehow without having to paste the cpid in... and I found CMS-Dev. You call it "LHS Dev@Home" and I missed it, looking for "CMS". Now trying to find how to create a sig other than random theme off cpid page. No link to do that? "Movement" through "Stats gathering log" do nothing, other links either non-user-specific or don't have a sig link... Either something about Safari/Adblocker is keeping me from seeing your site properly, or I no speaka da engrish, or all the thousands of happy people using your site are better at finding things than I am! Urg! I can always paste theme numbers until I find one I like, and bookmark it...

    Now. How to add Predictor? Search by name here with "cross project" finds everything of mine <WOW!>. Clicking "predictor" then clicking on my name gives CPID of aeffb66dbefeccd12b77b52df075e151 that alternate odd Tuesday. A "lost" batch of SETI I'd forgotten about was 2976d7ca877414f1a71cf27cc252a190. SETI Classic, clicking on name gives CPID 0... Whoever came up with CPIDs was a genius. <tongue in cheek>.

    And once added, (through statstool? how? CPID doesn't work in Predictor field.) will it be only on "your page" and not "your cpid page"? "Your page" has no link at all for a sig.

    Simple-minded, insecure, prone-to-cheating idea: Let us enter a LIST of cpids, create a sig by adding them all together, and be done with it. Or create a sig based on our name, which for me at least would work great - anybody who has duplicate names just wouldn't be able to use it. Change the logo to say "Free-DC (unverified)" or something. Sigh. If anybody really wanted to create a fake sig, all it takes is Photoshop anyway, and they can have any sig they want. BOINCStats Willie has been beat up over "merging CPIDs" so many times he tunes out on any post with "CPID" in it, which is fully understandable... If my stats weren't changing significantly every day, I'd go the Photoshop route myself just out of frustration!

  12. #12
    I wrote a lengthy response this morning, with looked-up CPIDs and all, but when I hit "post quick reply" it vanished. Sigh. Short version. "Your CPID page" is now working for me, no idea why it now knows my CPID when it didn't yesterday. CMS-Dev IS on there, you just call it LHC Dev@home and I didn't see it.

    New issue is adding old Predictor and SETI Classic. Can see them by searching my name, they're the two showing "Team MacAddict". Have no clue how to get them added in to my (CPID? regular? other?) page, or to my sig. Have no clue how to create a sig other than the "random" one from the CPID page, short of modifying the URL that generates until I find one I like. Sigh. Can't find anything on the web site, frustrated. Feels like when BOINC started and it took a while for me to "get it".

  13. #13
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Your posts go into moderation as you have a post count of < 10.

    Statstool must work partially as it's saved your cpid, hence it points correctly to your cpid page when you click that link (only when logged into the forums as it uses a cookie to match with your id)

    If enough people want the capability of statstool back I will try to find time to update it to work correctly, but honestly for one or two it's not worth it. I work fulltime in IT and have two very active kids playing competitive sports. Time is a very big luxury

    I'll answer a couple of questions. Seti classic was NOT BOINC, so does not have a cpid.

    Predictor@Home as you know is a very old project - I've updated your cpid there, so it will show up fairly soon.

  14. #14
    Bok, thanks for your time and this site. Don't want to sound unappreciative, just want to let you know the issues a new visitor faces. Thanks again!

  15. #15
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    I might have the time to see if I can get this fixed... if you don't mind waiting as am a F-DC retiree .
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  16. #16
    FWIW, Free-DC stats sig is now the most accurate of the three I've tried. BOINCStats is (usually) faster updating, but doesn't include Predictor, which Bok kindly added here for me. BOINC Synergy has my SETI Classic, but for some reason doesn't have about half my projects (current ones!) and I can't get anywhere in their forums. Free-DC is only missing the SETI Classic, which really isn't a big deal. +1 for Free-DC!

    What I came up with by playing with URL:

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