Originally posted by vsemaska

Since this new algorithm is such a dramatic change have you considered doing a beta release to a small no. of participants. Let everyone else keep running with the current software until the new one seems stable. I'd be willing to test the new software on the platform I use.

Actually, that is exactly what we intend to do. Although based on the dismal turnout for the screensaver 'beta test', i don't know how well it will work.

Anyhow yes, we should be able to get the sneakernet working fine.

Also I forgot to mention, stats on Team pages will also list total for current protein and overall so newcomers will still have something to show off (but top 10 will still be overall - I might add a top 10 for current protein as well though, we'll see).

The scoring will be as fair as possible and have thought of and will implement ways to discourage people from trying to, for example, repeatedly generate and upload generation 49 structures (which are worth more). You could keep generating generation 0 structures (which are faster to generate that all others) but this is why you'll get less points for them - maybe even none - they are just the 'stepping stone' required to get into generation one where the real work begins. Generation 0 structures are like what you're making right now.

Actually I like that. How would people feel if you got zero points for gen. 0 and then got scaled points for future generations as mentioned above? It takes only about 1/2hr-2 hrs. to make the first 5000 for most people, and then days to make the rest, so you wouldn't get credit for that couple hours work, but it would be required to reach gen. 1 where you DO start getting credit. I think this is fair and will encourage people to get up high in the generations. Ok, where are you stats-ho's? Does this sound reasonable?