Thanks for that Bok - excellent work as always.

I get what you are saying Dirk, but those don't really tell you how you are doing in comparison to others. I am a strong believer that sites like this one give a whole extra level of motivation to some people, and if a bit of competition motivates people then the projects (and in this case the sub-projects) benefit.

Mind you, I completely forgot that introducing new MM's would mess up my spreadsheet - So I have had to spend some time this morning sorting that out!
I do get frustrated by the sequence of MMs on the Userbycpidmilestones page changing depending on whether you do or don't get some MMs. For example, if one day you get the MM for Clanks or Sub-Clanks, and the next day you don't get one of those (cos you do or don't hit the trigger number required), the MM list's sequence changes - albeit consistently, but it makes a mess of copying that table to a spreadsheet. A fixed sequence would be much more friendly to people like me. Especially if Clanks and Subclanks were at the bottom, as they are probably the most fluid ones to get or not get day to day. I think I kind of like the idea of putting all the value ones in sequence but with all sub's together and the non-subs together. If anyone is remotely interested I would happily produce a list of what I mean, but I suspect most of you are asleep now or muttering "Wierdo!" ;-)