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Thread: There is no reward for doing well in SubProjects

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  1. #1
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Bok - excellent work as always.

    I get what you are saying Dirk, but those don't really tell you how you are doing in comparison to others. I am a strong believer that sites like this one give a whole extra level of motivation to some people, and if a bit of competition motivates people then the projects (and in this case the sub-projects) benefit.

    Mind you, I completely forgot that introducing new MM's would mess up my spreadsheet - So I have had to spend some time this morning sorting that out!
    I do get frustrated by the sequence of MMs on the Userbycpidmilestones page changing depending on whether you do or don't get some MMs. For example, if one day you get the MM for Clanks or Sub-Clanks, and the next day you don't get one of those (cos you do or don't hit the trigger number required), the MM list's sequence changes - albeit consistently, but it makes a mess of copying that table to a spreadsheet. A fixed sequence would be much more friendly to people like me. Especially if Clanks and Subclanks were at the bottom, as they are probably the most fluid ones to get or not get day to day. I think I kind of like the idea of putting all the value ones in sequence but with all sub's together and the non-subs together. If anyone is remotely interested I would happily produce a list of what I mean, but I suspect most of you are asleep now or muttering "Wierdo!" ;-)

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkRBright View Post
    I get what you are saying Dirk, but those don't really tell you how you are doing in comparison to others.
    I wonder if you really get what I am saying. I have scores in 99 SubProjects, making me #5 all-time SubProject cruncher world-wide on that score. You will need 20 extra SubProject scores to get even with me.
    I have presently 40 SubClanks, making me the most active SubProject cruncher, world-wide, over the last 40 days -and if you follow the SubClank scores over the last years you will see me constantly in the top-3. But you only need nine more active SubProject scores over the last forty days to get even with me there...

  3. #3
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    LOL, I think you have a fairly unique perspective up there Dirk, and keep up the fantastic work that got you there. I totally admire your dedication to Boinc.
    I am coming from a little more 'normal' perspective and I have no aim (never mind the computing power!) to attempt to oust anyone from anywhere. Nor to even try to make it look like I am in your league however temporarily I could possibly do that for. I am not one of the aforementioned ones who does this to compete as such, I just find that attempting to maximise my MM's while I crunch adds a little bit of fun into the mix and that's good.

    I do actually happen to be on a bit of a mission regarding projects with sub-projects at the moment which is why this change occurred to me, but my purpose is to get a TeraMiRB for Sub750's. Hardly a lofty aim but it keeps me amused and Boincing!

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Let me know the order you would prefer and I'll see what I can do as I kind of have a mechanism for it, just need to adjust some values here and there, it's basically a bigint I assign to each row to get the credit based ones in the right order but a bunch of the special category's all get assigned 0 so the order by is semi random.

  5. #5
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    If it were down to me I would probably choose something like this.

    #1 Ranks
    Top10 Ranks
    Top100 Ranks
    Top1000 Ranks

    I certainly don't have all of these, and there may even be some I am not yet aware of, but that sequence is probably better and easier for spreadsheeters like me.
    BTW I noticed when doing this that there is an inconsistency with the M's in the subprojects some are upper case and others are lower case.
    It just occurred to me that if you really wanted to be spreadsheet friendly then having a nice hidden button/link to press which showed a definitive full list of MM's regardless of whether or not you have any, but also showing the users totals where he/she has them would be bliss. I know you like to keep them a secret till they have earned at least one, so the button could be as subtle as a comma or full stop somewhere on the page.
    Personally though, I am not convinced the secrecy thing actually works in Boinc's favour though, as I think seeing, for example, a Clank and maybe 1 or 2 SubClanks is a great pat on the back when you first start. Just a thought.
    Let me know if I can be of any further help.
    PS Don't forget about pMiRBs, cMiRBs, SuperDuperBoks, Sub Projects being included in Maxwells, MiRBs and TeraMiRBs, not to mention Prank and Rankem - Just for when you get a minute

  6. #6
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I've done some work on this so it should be close now.

    Here is the list of MM's in the database

    MariaDB [static]> select * from boinc_most_projects;
    | type        | subtype | short_desc    | long_desc                                |
    | 100k        | I       | 100k's        | This many projects with 100K             |
    | 10k         | I       | 10k's         | This many projects with 10K              |
    | 25k         | I       | 25k's         | This many projects with 25K              |
    | 50k         | I       | 50k's         | This many projects with 50K              |
    | 75k         | I       | 75k's         | This many projects with 75K              |
    | 250k        | I       | 250k's        | This many projects with 250K             |
    | 500k        | I       | 500k's        | This many projects with 500K             |
    | 750k        | I       | 750k's        | This many projects with 750K             |
    | 1m          | I       | 1M's          | This many projects with 1M               |
    | 2.5m        | I       | 2.5M's        | This many projects with 2.5M             |
    | 5m          | I       | 5M's          | This many projects with 5M               |
    | 10m         | I       | 10M's         | This many projects with 10M              |
    | p1          | O       | #1 Ranks      | This many projects with the #1 Rank      |
    | p10         | I       | Top10 Ranks   | This many projects with a top 10 Rank    |
    | t5          | T       | Team 5M's     | This many projects with team 5m          |
    | tt10        | T       | Team top 10's | This many project with a top 10 rank     |
    | t1          | T       | Team 1M's     | This many projects with team 1m          |
    | t10         | T       | Team 10M's    | This many projects with team 10m         |
    | t25         | T       | Team 25M's    | This many projects with team 25m         |
    | t50         | T       | Team 50M's    | This many projects with team 50m         |
    | t100        | T       | Team 100M's   | This many projects with team 100m        |
    | tt1         | T       | Team #1's     | This many project with a #1 rank         |
    | 25m         | I       | 25M's         | This many projects with 25M              |
    | 50m         | I       | 50M's         | This many projects with 50M              |
    | 100m        | I       | 100M's        | This many projects with 100M             |
    | 250m        | I       | 250M's        | This many projects with 250M             |
    | 500m        | I       | 500M's        | This many projects with 500M             |
    | t250        | T       | Team 250M's   | This many projects with team 250m        |
    | t500        | T       | Team 500M's   | This many projects with team 500m        |
    | p100        | I       | Top100 Ranks  | This many projects with a top100 rank    |
    | t1b         | T       | Team 1B's     | This many projects with team 1B          |
    | 1k          | I       | 1k's          | This many projects with 1k               |
    | boks        | O       | Boks          | Boks special category!                   |
    | proj        | I       | Projects      | This many projects with a score          |
    | trigggls    | O       | Trigggls      | Trigggls Special Category!               |
    | t2.5        | T       | Team 2.5M's   | This many projects with team 2.5M        |
    | teraboks    | O       | TeraBoks      | Teratomas sepcial category!              |
    | maxwells    | O       | Maxwells      | Maxwells Special Category                |
    | clanks      | O       | Clanks        | Clanks Special Category                  |
    | tclanks     | T       | TClanks       | Clanks Team Category                     |
    | vaios       | O       | Vaios         | Vaios Special Category                   |
    | p1000       | I       | Top1000 Ranks | This many projects with a top1000 rank   |
    | 1000m       | I       | 1B's          | This many projects with 1billion         |
    | mirbs       | O       | MiRB's        | Marks Special Category                   |
    | t5b         | T       | Team 5B's     | This many projects with team 5B          |
    | t10b        | T       | Team 10B's    | This many projects with team 10B         |
    | t2.5b       | T       | Team 2.5B's   | This many projects with team 2.5B        |
    | teramirb    | O       | TeraMiRB's    | Marks Special Category on acid           |
    | gibsons     | O       | Gibsons       | Gibsons special category!                |
    | bozos       | O       | Bozos         | Bozos special category!                  |
    | s100k       | S       | sub100k's     | This many subprojects with 100k          |
    | s10k        | S       | sub10k's      | This many subprojects with 10k           |
    | s1m         | S       | sub1M's       | This many subprojects with 1M            |
    | s1k         | S       | sub1k's       | This many subprojects with 1k            |
    | s250k       | S       | sub250k's     | This many subprojects with 250k          |
    | s500k       | S       | sub500k's     | This many subprojects with 500k          |
    | s25k        | S       | sub25k's      | This many subprojects with 25k           |
    | s50k        | S       | sub50k's      | This many subprojects with 50k           |
    | s5m         | S       | sub5m's       | This many subprojects with 5M            |
    | s10m        | S       | sub10m's      | This many subprojects with 10M           |
    | s50m        | S       | sub50m's      | This many subprojects with 50M           |
    | s25m        | S       | sub25m's      | This many subprojects with 25M           |
    | s750k       | S       | sub750k's     | This many subprojects with 750k          |
    | sboks       | S       | subBoks       | subprojects - Boks special category!     |
    | steraboks   | S       | subTeraBoks   | subprojects - TeraBoks special category! |
    | strigggls   | S       | subTrigggls   | subprojects - Trigggls special category! |
    | sbozos      | S       | subBozos      | subprojects - Bozos special category!    |
    | sgibsons    | S       | subGibsons    | subprojects - Gibsons special category!  |
    | sclanks     | S       | subClanks     | Clanks Special Category subprojects      |
    | squarepants | O       | SquarePants   | SquarePants                              |
    | s2.5m       | S       | sub2.5M's     | This many subprojects with 2.5M          |
    | sproj       | S       | Subprojects   | This many subprojects with a score       |
    | s10         | S       | SubTop10's    | subprojects Top 10s                      |
    | s100        | S       | SubTop100's   | subprojects Top 100s                     |
    74 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  7. #7
    Senior Member MarkRBright's Avatar
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    West Yorkshire, UK
    Excellent - I look forward to seeing what it looks like in the morning.

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