LOL, I think you have a fairly unique perspective up there Dirk, and keep up the fantastic work that got you there. I totally admire your dedication to Boinc.
I am coming from a little more 'normal' perspective and I have no aim (never mind the computing power!) to attempt to oust anyone from anywhere. Nor to even try to make it look like I am in your league however temporarily I could possibly do that for. I am not one of the aforementioned ones who does this to compete as such, I just find that attempting to maximise my MM's while I crunch adds a little bit of fun into the mix and that's good.

I do actually happen to be on a bit of a mission regarding projects with sub-projects at the moment which is why this change occurred to me, but my purpose is to get a TeraMiRB for Sub750's. Hardly a lofty aim but it keeps me amused and Boincing!