OK, so my week's wind-down unsurprisingly took a little longer than expected, but after notching up my final Bok, I have no more excuses available to me and it's time to bite the bullet.
I have a snapshot of my spreadsheet as it stands today with it's best numbers about to be decimated by inactivity, but I know just how good or bad I was, I have MY Legacy!
I shall doubtless call in every now and again (and if I spot a new project, I may just be tempted to quickly notch up another 100k/Bok/Nebber/Project and of course up my Legacy), but for now I leave with an unopposed Legacy of 3290, firmly in the number one (and only) slot! With any luck if I pop back in I will have been put in my correct place. I sincerely hope I am Bok.
I shall really miss this, but needs must, and with any luck Quantum Computing will make this all unnecessary one day anyway, who knows?
The most important thing is that I was having fun doing it and keeping my ageing brain occupied, I hope I did some small modicum of good. Keep up the good work all of you. (Now where's that electricity bill?)