Quote Originally Posted by MarkRBright View Post
So, I’ve just been having a little play with Legacy and I decide to calculate it for a couple of other people just to see what happened and I think the results are interesting.

I looked at the very top of the rankings and there is Hemmo with numbers that are just huge. So I pasted Hemmo’s numbers into my spreadsheet and was very surprised to find that Hemmo has a fairly feeble Legacy score of 306 – compared to my 3300! I was curious and looked at Hemmo’s stats to find little more than a huge run at Bitcoin Utopia. Looking closer still I found that whilst I don’t know the date Hemmo stopped Boincing, there have been no Recent Milestones since the 6th May 2017, so I put that into the calculations to find Hemmo ends up with a Legacy of 294! Now I don’t want to take anything away from the tremendous effort Hemmo put into that, but I am looking for something that could be ranked to show a level of ‘greatness’, a lasting legacy of your time spent Boincing (and of course using Free-DC)

So I looked at number 2 in the Stones rankings – Ste\/e. Pasting his data in I found his Legacy to be a massive 6255!!! The big difference between these two is that Ste\/e has basically done it all, in spades.

OK I now have to admit what I was avoiding admitting in the past – I am not the number 1 Free-DC Boincer ever – but until this is calculated for us automatically, I will remain at number 3 in the only rankings that there are - mine, with Hemmo at number 4.

Now some might say Legacy is just another Squarepants, and to some degree it is. The big difference is that Legacy sticks. It won’t go down if you stop Boincing, people have to beat it to get above you in an official Free-DC Legacy Ranking. Squarepants will drop as you lose (Sub)Top 10’s etc, Maxwells, MiRBs etc, and Vaios and Clanks. So, you could stop Boincing at a particular rank in Squarepants and you will drop off just because you stopped.
Legacy is for keeps. You could come back in a few years and check on your Legacy Ranking. It might encourage you to do a little more – in fact doing so would marginally increase your Legacy and subsequent Legacy Rank just because you will have been done a little more and therefor Boinced longer, and why wouldn’t we want to encourage that.

And just in case it inspires you Bok, you are sitting in 2nd place with a seriously impressive Legacy of 5031. Just in case the observant amongst you wondered why I was at number 3.
Already tried Zombie67, Mumps or vaughan?