duplicates are pretty common. of the numbers left in the database,

714883 have no factors (yet )
181629 have exactly 1 factor
5987 have 2 known factors
232 of them have 3 known factors
6 of them actually have 4 known factors

this excludes all the numbers below 1G which were never placed on the server. in other words, the sum of all the above should be about equal to the number of candidates left after sieving from 0 - 1 G.

4847?2^19202151+1 is one of the highly composite numbers...

120435469129 | 4847?2^19202151+1
15608701133 | 4847?2^19202151+1
34133798287 | 4847?2^19202151+1
224192486249 | 4847?2^19202151+1

on another totally seperate note, i was thinking about was p-1 factoring...

phil, paul, do either of you have an intelligent opinion about the viablity of doing this? as prp test times increase, the benefit of doing it seems to increase too. i was toying with making it into a java applet the other day. i knew it would run slow-ish but i was thinking about how it would be cool if there were a webpage you could just go to that would start doing work for the project on *ANY* computer you were on w/o having to download and install software or even be on a system capable of running SB/SoBSieve. my java app idea is a little ambitious and mostly academic, but it would be interesting. anyone interested?
