I don't really check for country stats with much frequency since I discovered that it was wrong. [b]So, if anybody checks it frequently, can you please confirm if it is updating itself at all?
It does change.

As of now, total SB production is 593.34T cEMs. The total of operating systems is something like 585T cEMs (99% of total), which is pretty close, and acceptable. On the other hand, the total of 37 countries is 326.12T cEMs (55% of total). So, where did the remaining 45% come from?
It might be caused by failing reverse DNS-lookups. There are two things that might cause this:

1. Unfortunenately not all IP's in use have proper reverse DNS.

2. As I wrote yesterday, my work appears not to be counted (at least not for the country), probably because the computers I use, have private IP-adresses and the stats are based on IP's reported by the client. - Try performing a reverse DNS-lookup for (the IP of the computer I'm using right now), (my desktop computer at home or (my laptop when I'm at home).

Ok, seriously, I personally prefer not to have any county stats at all if even the total stats is 45% off.
I agree.
