C:\sieve\sbfact>sbfactor.exe SoB.dat lowresults.txt results.txt 19999000 2000000
00 -x 45 0
SBFactor v0.8
P-1 and ECM factoring for number of the form k*2^n+1.
Adapted from GIMPS v23.4 by George Woltman and Louis Helm
Finished parsing SoB.dat
37 numbers between 19999000 < n < 200000000
Searching for known factors in lowresults.txt...Done.
Searching for known factors in results.txt...Done.
Removed 2 numbers using the factor files
Testing 35 numbers between 19999000 < n < 200000000 <-- takes several minutes at this stage. Could it be done quicker?
Expected number of factors for entire range: 2.425795
B1=650000 B2=16412500 Success=0.069308 Squarings=2020159
P-1 on 4847*2^19999071+1 with B1=650000, B2=16412500
initializing test
sieve finished


Does it exit because of memory shortage for that large B range, or is it a bug? Not a big problem, since I'm not planning to factor anything there for a couple of years more.