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Thread: Which AMD for crunching?

  1. #1

    Which AMD for crunching?

    Back in the old days, it was easy. Just get the fastest AMD you could afford for a DC box. Most DC programs didn't need much FSB (ok, SETI was an exception), so a Duron with a 200 FSB was about as fast as a Athlon with 266 FSB on FAH1.

    Today there are a lot more choices. The GHz seems to have peaked around 2.16, but you can chose between 266/333/400 FSB and 256K/512K L1 cache.

    The AMD PR ratings keep going up with the extra FSB and cache, but is there really a speed boost for a dedicated DC box?

    Anyone have some insight here?


  2. #2
    R.I.P GHOST's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    north dakota
    The 400 fsb chips cost a lot more. I have a 2500 at 333 [the highest i can push it is 171/342 using a volcano 11 cooler] and a 2400 at 266. On the phase one client they put out near identical work. Memory would probably be cheaper for 266.

  3. #3
    If GHz is still the important factor, then the 2400+ is probably the best buy - 2.0 GHz for about $83. I just installed 2 of them in K7S5A mobos as an upgrade to a 1.4 GHz T-Bird and a 1600+ Palomino.

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