Originally posted by FoBoT
uh, so if you leave the 2 boxes on DF ALL the time, don't you end up in front of both those guys?
Yes, but not by much. Assuming the 1:4 slow:fast ratio in my example, having boxes on DF half the time gives you 80% of the stats of having them on all the time, provided they are on DF for fast proteins and off DF for slow ones. Someone who crunches more than one DC project will be delighted that they can spend half their time crunching some other project, yet get 80% of the stats that they whould have gotten from crunching DF all the time.
so in your example, the guy with more boxen gets more stats isn't that the way its supposed to be?
No, stats should be proportional to cycles contributed. Using twice as many boxes for half the time should not give higher stats because the number of cycles being contributed is the same.