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Thread: Could misc. problems be caused by server issue?

  1. #1

    Could misc. problems be caused by server issue?

    Over the last couple monthes of running 17 or Bust I have noticed seemingly random problems. One of which being the loss of work based on the server not having any record of an assigned proth test. I have also seen problems where one of my machines received no credit for work packets done. Once a new test was issued (old test completed) then I suddenly started receiving credit for the machine (at least in the graph on the user chart).

    Could this strange behavior be caused not by something wrong with the client but by the server assigning two of the same tests to different people. Thus, the seemingly random nature of the problem as sometimes no one else is working on the same proth test and other times two people are working on it.

    I am running on an Athlon XP 1700+ with DDR running Linux 2.4.20. It takes less than a week to finish a test so it shouldn't be running into the 10 day reissue limit (unless this feature on the server is broken as well).

    Its also interesting that the problems I have seen started almost immediately after the server went down during the electrical storm but this could just be coincidental.

  2. #2
    Team Anandtech
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    New Zealand
    I agree with you, at least about the fact that all of these problems started happening about the same time. I've had about 10 tests restarted in a month, compared with ZERO restarts for the two months I was running before then. It's not bothering me a huge amount at the moment, though it seems that the server completely discounts all work done before a test restart and therefore assumes you're working at an extremely slow rate - not a big issue but it makes my graph look a little smaller than it should

    I'll be angry if my dual pentium pro's tests restart - do you have any idea how long it takes for one of those cpus to get to 30% of a proth test?

  3. #3
    Originally posted by allio

    I'll be angry if my dual pentium pro's tests restart - do you have any idea how long it takes for one of those cpus to get to 30% of a proth test?
    Yes, I do, because I've got one also! So far, it seems to be plugging along like a...well, like a really slow thing that keeps plugging along...

  4. #4
    Team Anandtech
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    New Zealand
    Originally posted by MathGuy
    So far, it seems to be plugging along like a...well, like a really slow thing that keeps plugging along...
    Sums it up quite nicely

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