Originally posted by Georgina

You're right, I never thought of FreeBSD. Even thought I had heard of it before, I really didn't know what it was. Now I do. However, being a mostly Windows shop, I thought a packaged distro with an update app would be easier for a transision.
"A packaged distro"? I'm not sure what you mean by that. FreeBSD comes in the form of an ISO, or you can install via FTP, or via a LAN, or many other options. Software used on FreeBSD comes in the form of pre-compiled binaries (called packages), or ports which is a skeleton tree for building ported source code. I'm not sure what you mean.

"...with an update app". FreeBSD has CVSup for bringing all your sources up to date, and portupgrade for (automatically) upgrading applications installed from source.

FreeBSD may not be suitable for you, but I think you are unaware of some its features.