Originally posted by Fozzie
... Have fun with mousetracker.
That's my point. Nobody benefits from those projects. There is no real goal. There is no real use. They'r just for fun.

The only use I see: I can compare with other how much I use my computer (to find out that I use it too much ... ). If the others are obious cheaters I don't look at their scores. If somebody has about the same score as I have, I assume he is no cheater.

When A99 has installed this client on somebody elses PC, than that's a violation of the rules, you could call it "cheating". Still, I wouldn't make such a fuzz out of it. Who benefits from it? Does A99 get anything for it? Does the team get anything? Does the project benefit? No. We improve in stats, that's all. And, be honest, stats are not _that_ important (I disbelieve what I just said ...).