Today I spotted the following in my errorlog:

========================[ Dec 13, 2003 3:28 PM ]========================
Starting foldtrajlite built Dec 4 2003
Sat Dec 13 15:28:05 2003 ERROR: [000.000] {ncbi_socket.c, line 1517} SOCK#1000[?]: [SOCK::s_Connect] Failed SOCK_gethostbyname(
Sat Dec 13 15:28:05 2003 ERROR: [000.000] {ncbi_connutil.c, line 877} [URL_Connect] Socket connect to failed: Unknown
Sat Dec 13 15:28:08 2003 ERROR: [000.000] {ncbi_socket.c, line 1517} SOCK#2000[?]: [SOCK::s_Connect] Failed SOCK_gethostbyname(
Sat Dec 13 15:28:08 2003 ERROR: [000.000] {ncbi_connutil.c, line 877} [URL_Connect] Socket connect to failed: Unknown
Sat Dec 13 15:28:08 2003 ERROR: [000.000] {foldtrajlite2.c, line 2179} Unable to check server status
Sat Dec 13 15:28:08 2003 ERROR: [000.000] {ncbi_socket.c, line 1517} SOCK#3000[?]: [SOCK::s_Connect] Failed SOCK_gethostbyname(
Sat Dec 13 15:28:08 2003 ERROR: [000.000] {ncbi_connutil.c, line 877} [URL_Connect] Socket connect to failed: Unknown
Sat Dec 13 15:40:08 2003 FATAL ERROR: [002.000] {foldtrajlite2.c, line 1425} Cannot rename filelist.txt.tmp to filelist.txt - disk may be out of space

========================[ Dec 13, 2003 3:40 PM ]========================
Starting foldtrajlite built Dec 4 2003

========================[ Dec 13, 2003 5:09 PM ]========================
Starting foldtrajlite built Dec 4 2003

========================[ Dec 13, 2003 5:09 PM ]========================
Starting foldtrajlite built Dec 4 2003

It is an AthlonXP 1800 running Win2K SP4 with 512Mb RAM and the HD on which DF is running has about 13GB free.
I'm also on an DSL connection which showed no problems so the connection problems might be on the other end.
I loocked in the log because the beta client seemed do be dead slow. I saved the whole directory and I can upload it if you need it...

Greets Thor