Originally posted by Chinasaur
So Cyg..

1. Reasonable because his views don't completely diverge from yours?

2. So anyone who disagrees with your view is "unreasonable"?

3. I hear it alot that people who don't agree with the current Administration are somehow "suspect" or "wrong" or "unpatriotic". Bush himself even stated "if you're not with us, you're against us". And THAT is a reasonable statement for the President of the United States to make? No..it's not.

You know I'm your friend, just asking because I'm perfectly reasonable..I just have an opinion that differs from yours.

Actually, I hope he means that I have an open-minded, middle of the road opinion.

It's funny, I'm rarely in agreement with any given 'group' on anything. If I had to pick a one, I'd probably classify myself as a republican, but that's probably not accurate. I could be considered staunchly democratic on several issues. Personally, I find the whole idea of political parties troublesome.

At any rate, I seem to gravitate toward the middle of the ground in any argument. Bush is a good example. I don't have any particularly strong opinions about him one way or the other. I disagree with some of the things he does (leanings toward big business and his dealings with the environment) and agree with others (use of military force against terrorism). Some things, like his handling of the economy, I'm still undecided on. I don't think he's handled Afghanistan & Iraq as well as he could have, but I do think he's done it better than many others might have.

In just about every issue I can find validity in both sides of the argument, which hopefully keeps me on an even keel.

Of course, cygnussphere could just think that I kick ass.