I've done it. When I was in Cali, I lived 18 miles from work but the traffic was so bad, it took me anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to get to work, and it was generally worse going home. I'm in temporary housing now, and am about 50 miles from work (but no traffic so it takes me about 45 minutes to get there and the same to get home. I also have the added mileage of bringing my kids to school (about another 15 minutes to drop them off/pick them up) as I wanted to enroll them closer to the area that I wanted to ultimately live in. It takes quite a bit out of your day, and for me, after we get home, it's homework, dinner and baths for the girls so the entire day is shot.

I've just recently purchased a house that is less than 20 minutes away from work and I find myself looking forward to it.

For me, the long commute has always been part of my adult, working life so it was just there. Now that I have an opportunity (in about a month) it's hard for me to drive the distance.

Ultimately, it's best for me and the kids. It might be different if I didn't have any. I agree with Fozzie...the house is so important, but you have to decide what you are comfortable with. I probably wouldn't care if it was just me.