If their report is entirely accurate, then I'd agree that the Bush administration got out of hand. However, two things keep me from feeling confident in the total veracity of this information:

1) They've been against the war from day 1.

2) Everything can be twisted.

Now, I'm not trying to defend the Bush administration. I'm more than a little suspicious of them already. However, I'm not going to accept what this think tank has to say blindly, either. The Bush administration wanted a war and interpreted the intelligence they had to support it. This group never wanted a war, and they're interpreting their information to meet that point of view.

Are they doing it on purpose? Probably not. Was the Bush administration purposefully spinning things to support their agenda? Yeah, they probably did, though not to extent that these guys would have you believe.

In the end, I'd guess that the truth is probably somewhere in between. I guess what I'm trying to say is: I don't trust anyone.