The justification for the invasion of Afghanistan is perfectly clear. The Taliban did provide sanctuary for Al-Quaeda for years. The Taliban did refuse to turn over Osama bin Laden & Co. after the attacks of September 11th, 2001. Mullah Omar and friends did encourage bin Laden to plan and carry out attacks on US embassies and naval vessels. Those people were and continue to be a "clear and present danger" to citizens of the United States.

There have been some positive effects from the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Item: Libya (Quadaffi, specifically) has requested international inspection to verify that Libya has no WMDs.

Item: Iran is in the process of accepting inspection of their nuclear plant.

Item: Pakistan is actively chasing/catching Taliban and Al-Quaeda people in the North of Pakistan. Musharref has evidently decided that the Taliban/Al-Quaeda combo is a threat to him, personally, as well as to Pakistan as a whole. I suspect (but have no evidence whatsoever) that Musharref took a good look at what happened to Iraq in 1990, and decided that post- 9/11 was not a good time to get stroppy.


On the debit side, France and Germany are mightily irritated with the US. Since these are the major players in Western Europe, we do have to listen to them.

On the plus side, we do know who has a realistic view of the terrorist world. Poland and Spain, in particular, have been very supportive.

I'm saving Great Britain for last for a reason. The British troops in Iraq have been with the US on the ground from Day One. PM Tony Blair has put his political life in great jeapordy by taking a position that is extremely unpopular with the general population of Great Britain. He will, in fact, probably be forced from office, and fade into political obscurity. The only reason I can see for him doing this is moral conviction that this is, indeed, the Right Thing to do.

These are just some of my thoughts. Anyone else?