Originally posted by hc_grove
BTW: There really should be a license attached, to clarify what might be done with the code.
I don't really care for licenses. You'd have to convince me that there was a good reason for adding one.

I don't care if someone makes a closed source version of the factorer.

I don't care if someone makes a version of the factorer that's incorrect or doesn't work (because the verifier script won't accept a bad factor).

I don't care if someone uses it in a commercial application... because if one existed, they'd probably just hire me to help them make it work anyway.

Aren't those the standard rights that free source people take away from others with licenses?

I'm totally honest here, if there's a good reason to add a license, I'll do it. But from what I know about them, it doesn't seem to make sense in this case. But I could be wrong. Let me know.
