Originally posted by Michael H.W. Weber

Well, our team has of course also encountered a few MINOR problems with uploading in the past while I myself have never encountered one. This "910 missing protein error" - is this one at all about uploading? I don't know the details about this one (never encountered it).

All read long back.

Michael. [/B]
For those of us that have lost hundreds of generations or thousands of generations - totally wasted effort since everything uploaded in between the first 910 error and the start of the next set of 250 generations is thrown away - this is a slightly important issue. Better handshaking helped with the issue - but has not completely cured it. A brief explanation of the problem:
1. your system has at least one buffered generation to send to the DF servers.
2. your system calls home to the DF servers and asks if anyone is home.
3. the DF servers tell your system that someone's home.
4. your system sends a package to the DF servers with a return receipt requested.
5. the DF servers receive the package, check it out, and make sure that it was received and it was in good condition. If not, an error is reported to your system.
6. The DF servers also check to see that it's received a valid copy of the generation prior to the one you're submitting now. (gen 0 doesn't get tested for this). If, for some reason, you don't get a valid generation (200, for example) stored in the database, gen 201 won't get stored.. the DF server tells your system this error.
7. If everything is fine, the DF servers tell your system that the generation was fine and saved.
8. for 6&7 - the current generation is deleted, and the client moves on to the next generation or creates another, if none are queued to be sent.

For some reason, (connection problems were supposed to be ruled out by the improved handshaking) your client sometimes ends up believing the DF servers have received the generation and accepted it. So it deletes the current generation. Is it transmission problems (which have been worked on with better handshaking), the handshaking not being immune to noise involved in an isp dropping your connection, or problems with the backend not being reliable/speedy enough? It's another of the important and neccessary tasks to keep the project working properly.

And it doesn't do the project much good to have a faster client that puts out better results if the back end can't handle the load properly..