Originally posted by willy1
All right - you're looking for us to pick nits, right?

The buttons that change color to orange on mouseover seem to be slightly larger than the dark background version. It makes the screen jump when you move the mouse over them. Maybe it's the font size - seems to be larger.

Thanks for the efforts! Nice to see you back here more often.
Thanks willy1
I noticed the same behavior and will try to find another way to replicate it or, like you said, check fonts, weights and all that... but when I'm finished figuring it out, it should always be on every stats page

I should have live updated Super Computer information soon, read from a file so as to not run the database nuts everytime someone hits the frontpage.
Will probably run the Super Computer STATIC page hourly to start, then back it down to maybe twice a day or something, whatever most of you want

It will be nice to finally not have to use/combine two .css files I have to reference until I can finish the 'theme'. I'd like to simplify the .css as well, it's well past the bloated stage...

Anyways, I'll keep pecking at it until it's finished, if there is such a thing

I really hope that it compliments and enhances the Free-DC.org site and gives folks quick links to other stats and projects.

I need to work on MD5CRK and NFSNET and get them into the Rank Panel as well... and any other 3rd party stats that we can find (and hopefully keep updated) ...
Fix the blasted Chessbrain Rank problem