Does this look like a good way to factor on my p4 3.2ghz with 512mb of ram or should I change 47 to 48 for the next range I reserve.

sbfactor.exe 6182000 6183000 47 1.5 256

This computer is just being used for distributed computing projects and to encode video files.
Looks fine to me, I have changed from 47 to 48 a while ago, but 47 does stille make sence since there are factors remaining in this range.
With a 3.2 GHz I would guess that range is done in less than two days.
If you find any factors these will be placed in fact.txt and they should then be submitted to (remember to log in before submitting) and you should then be able to follow your scores on (use the scores link).

Good luck with factoring, your resources are needed if we are to P-1 factor ahead of prp.