Originally posted by Frodo42
They are files created for each test, they help you to be able to pick up stage 1 again if you want to do a test with higher bounds or if you for some reason stop the client then it's a save so that you don't have to start all over.
276536182025 is the test for 27653*2^6182025

You can safely delete these files when you are done with you range or else after some time of factoring they can begin to fill a quite big part of your HD.

Thanks for the reply. Your explantion was nice and easy for me to understand. I am not going to start to understand what exactly I am doing beside eliminating k/n pairs so they don't have to be prp tested. I'd have no idea how to figure out that 276536182025 is the test for 27653*2^6182025 even though I worked on it.