It would be better if sieving could also be intergrated into the client and if ranges could be automatically downloaded from the server. This would save a lot of administration
Agreed but wouldn't intergrating sieve require quite a bit more effort?

Also one will never find a prime with either P-1 or sieve but they both help the project. But I think it's easier to justify p-1 one a particular number they are testing b/c it would increase the users possibility of finding a prime though optimization....

In my mind it seems more benifital to implent P-1 into the client first get it working etc, then do the same for sieve. Granted the project would be best suited if we could somehow have the client and server comuniate. The client could tell the server how fast it works, if it falls below a certain threshold, then it gets a small 1-2 week sieve range rather than a (prp/p-1), we could then also expire sieve ranges and put them back in the system.

I have a feeling, sieve, p-1, automation, incorperation, and automation are emotionally hot topics, perhaps we need a poll or something.