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Thread: where's the toys...

  1. #1
    Member 1fast6's Avatar
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    sunny Florida

    Talking where's the toys...

    I want the shiny playthings already... I'm watching my 17 or so clients on my homeLAN with KDFOLD (very nice)... but I want more...

    anybody know of anything else out there...

    Larry(weatherman)... love your Electron Microscope 2 proggie for GAH... any chance of seeing a modification for DF... I sure would like to get rid of all the clutter (DOS windows and taskbar icons) and have a nice little local peeker program that starts the client hidden and settles in all nice and snug into the tray...

    like EM2...
    cover me... I'm going in...

  2. #2
    Actually I am working on that right now. The client will be for Windows and I plan on releasing the source so others can add to it as well. At first it will just be a monitoring/benchmark program that will fit nicely into the tray but I will also add start/stop with various options to the mix as well. I hope to post the first beta of it possibly today for people to check out.

    Hang on, its almost there.

  3. #3

    Re: where's the toys...

    I investigated this project when it first arrived. Had a lot of bugs in the beginning that have been cleared up and the program seems stable enough now. The problem is there isn't enough interesting info saved by the program, like the F@H or the G@H project. The Console version of this client draws random junk in the window. Not sure what good that does. I was looking for some 3d spatial info on each updated item, or something similar. The GUI client displays a "ball and stick" image, no reason that the spatial info couldn't be saved by the console version. The short answer is it didn't grab my interest. Now if this changes, I'll write something like EM III for this project. All the basics are in EM III now to track any program, but I don't write programs for fun that I won't use myself.
    Originally posted by 1fast6
    I want the shiny playthings already... I'm watching my 17 or so clients on my homeLAN with KDFOLD (very nice)... but I want more...

    anybody know of anything else out there...

    Larry(weatherman)... love your Electron Microscope 2 proggie for GAH... any chance of seeing a modification for DF... I sure would like to get rid of all the clutter (DOS windows and taskbar icons) and have a nice little local peeker program that starts the client hidden and settles in all nice and snug into the tray...

    like EM2...

  4. #4
    Member 1fast6's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    sunny Florida
    great... thanks... let us know when its ready...

    some people like the stats... I like the toys...
    ok... I like the stats, too..
    cover me... I'm going in...

  5. #5
    dismembered Scoofy12's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    Between keyboard and chair

  6. #6
    Member 1fast6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    sunny Florida

    cover me... I'm going in...

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