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Thread: Strange goings on

  1. #1
    Stats Whore redukt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    VA, United States

    Strange goings on

    Today I had node 4007234 return results from quite a few jobs for me. Problem is, none of the PCs I manage has this node number. Now, I did install, uninstall, reinstall, and uninstall the beta linux version of FaD like a week ago (on a node that has a CPU rating quite close to that of this new node that is returning results). Is it possible that the results on just got very lagged for this one machine and this node number belonged to one of the installations of FaD that has since gone bye-bye (I didn't think they were installed for nearly that long)? Or that somehow my linux box just uploaded these stats? I had wiped the FaD directory clean each time I installed / reinstalled the beta, so I can't check the logs to see if this crunching was done on a prior install. The other thing is that this node number seems like it was issued quite a long time ago, as the latest instance of FaD I've installed has a node number in the 7000000 range. I've also had a few PCs that had FaD running on them before, but I've been told by people who still have access to those machines that they have since been re-imaged. However, I can't find anywhere that I can check results past 14 days to see if maybe somehow one of my old borged machines has been resurrected (ie: can't compare this node number to old results to see if it might have been a machine I ran FaD on before). Or maybe someone is crunching for me? That's an awful lot of CPU time for one upload (327:33). I'm quite confused... Help!
    Last edited by redukt; 07-03-2005 at 10:32 PM.
    The whole world, de-acidified and filtered

  2. #2
    The installation number 7xxx 4xxx etc just tell you which server it was registered from. Not the age

    fadstats just updates from fads stats so check there for when they where added.

    It could be an end of month 'check if any job haven't collected properly' type of thing.

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