8. How to get the best of GMP-ECM?
Choice of modular multiplication. The ecm program may choose between 4 kinds
of modular arithmetic:
(1) Montgomery's REDC algorithm at the word level (option -modmuln).
It is quite fast for small numbers, but has quadratic asymptotic
(2) classical GMP arithmetic (option -mpzmod).
Has some overhead with respect to (1) for small sizes, but wins
over (1) for larger sizes since it has quasi-linear asymptotic
(3) Montgomery's REDC algorithm at high level (option -redc).
This essentially replaces each division by two multiplications.
Slower than (1) and (2) for small inputs, but better for large
or very large inputs.
(4) base-2 arithmetic for numbers dividing 2^n+1 or 2^n-1.
Each division has only linear time, but the multiplication are
more expensive since they are done on larger numbers.