Carlos: Thank you!!!!!

Thanks all, but I'm just doing my part.

I also should have left the machine alone to do more.
My hobby is music and I am using my music machine to run DPAD.

I'm trying to get my next CD done before this coming weekend
(I get my new car in Pa and get to drive it back to Texas!!!!!),
so I am using up a bit of DPAD's cpu time.

Yes, I'm excited... It's rare to get a Euro-package volvo in the US.
I got lucky 2 of 3 times.

Anyway... I will leave DPAD alone now for a bit. It just started
a new test 'DecayRotA' (?) in addition to the 'DecayRot' ?

That make sense???

Anyway, let's see what the point-meister has to say about our points.

Also, I see the stats have a misspelling... can that be corrected &
credited to us as intended?

Later all. Have a great day. I'm back to snooze for a few hours.
(05:30 am here)

Back to snoozin'