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Thread: Nqueens Push

  1. #1
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Arrow Nqueens Push

    Beep Beep Slower traffic keep to the Right
    Last edited by gopher_yarrowzoo; 01-10-2009 at 04:48 PM. Reason: Fixing da Smilie

  2. #2
    Come on, guys. Time for some of the Kniggets!!

  3. #3
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    I Think it is going to just be against the world
    But I know ZEN and the POWER of the ONE
    With that I can not fail

  4. #4
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAURENU2 View Post
    I Think it is going to just be against the world
    But I know ZEN and the POWER of the ONE
    With that I can not fail
    OH OH the Ars are in trouble now IB is standing up besides me now

    And you know it only takes 3 Free-DC,ers to take down teams
    Ars definitely needs some . Oh, wait a minute, yes, we are , I couldn't find a kicking your butt emoticon.
    And we don't even need a kicking your butt emoticon to do it

    We are here Now and We Will be waving this as we pass

  5. #5
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Why isn't this Forum showing up in the recent posts section?

  6. #6
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    Why isn't this Forum showing up in the recent posts section?
    It is a secret Thread so we can sneak up on the Ars and them bad

  7. #7
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    OK who will be our 3rd musketeer

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    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    The Knights Who Say Ni!
    Will soon be Dethroned
    Only 4 K to go and we WILL have 10th Place

    And it looks like we could take 8th in 3 weeks with just IB and myself

  9. #9
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Hmm most oddness I think I might just fire this project on along side AI / Rosetta for some fun...

    "For Death, For Glory, For Quel'thalas, Charge!" - Should be the Blood Elves Battle cry yet it's not..
    "Magic, you want magic, I'll show magic, now cool off hothead!" - me, after basically literally ice cubing something in World of Warcraft...

    Sorry I just felt like putting those quote somewhere!
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
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    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  10. #10
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Team Norwayis next
    I am almost up to full speed.
    I should have my Afterburners on by tomorrow night

  11. #11
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    Why isn't this Forum showing up in the recent posts section?
    ugh, when a new forum is added it does not automatically get added to the recent posts part of vBAdvanced.. added.

  12. #12
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Oh and Welcome Chuck , I'll show up in stats too soon, I hope!
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  13. #13
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Hi Goph & to all, watch your BOINC version!!!

    Hi Goph!
    Hi All..... Just shot an email to Laurenu2 and decided to check in here. Laurenu2 just pushed us to 9th position. ( I have to learn where we stand & all )

    Some things for linux (64 bit) users to watch out for... 6.4.5 does not work properly on Fedora AMD installs on ANY CPU. The CORRECT version is 6.2.15.... BUT this means you MUST VERIFY the 'network always available' in the LOCAL OVERRIDE SETTINGS... and that it is NOT doing anything by the preferences critial to ops. Otherwise you will have work waiting to report, but never reported. One machine had 700+ claimed credits waiting for the 'update', just since 5am.

    As I told Lauren.... there was a ton of work stacked up ready to send in... It's now uploading/reporting & processing.... You should see things pick up now (I hope I got it all).

    To add injury to insult.... I had an 'overcollection of farm dust' get into my Gigabyte coolers.... As such, the cpus shut down at 70+C like they should, but the nVidia graphics card sitting next to it could not handle the 70C and gave up the ghost. I will be off to the store this PM to see if anything reasonable (8800, 8800GT, etc is available).... I'ld take anything that can handle the heat in the event of another farm dust buildup.
    I also lost 3 HD's in that... but they were circa 2004 vintage and the heat obviously did them in.. no big deal there.
    After a good washing of alcohol and relubricating of bearings and fresh mounting on the cpus... all is good again... 39-42C at full load per CPU... including being overclocked by 6% until compound cures.

    To get things running and 'up the heat'... I turned off the X-server, and am running the one machine on a (DO NOT LAUGH) STB 128 Velocity (8MB RAM) PCI-33 card. It works fine in text mode but not well in X.... go figure! (it's my 'dire emergency' card!)

    As for the project... Now the settings are set.... All non-boinc work suspended to make up for the stupidity / frustration. (yes, I was an unhappy camper!)

    Project Overall: Perhaps being redundant, but running in Text mode (./run_client) is much faster than bringing up the overhead of X and the BOINC GUI if settings are all KNOWN CORRECT and avoiding all the darn RPC calls BOINC makes.

    Thanks again for the welcome Goph..... It's good to be up and running.... %#@!!$$ BOINC.... lol

    Laurenu2 and all have done a great job pushing us up and I hope I can contribute to that now things are running as they should be. Four spare cpu coolers are in prep to be ready for the other machine, should another also need a 'de-farming'....

    Hope my efforts help.


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  14. #14
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Talking LAURNU2 --- Afterburners? :)


    Kindly kick in the afterburners please!!!!

    A number of my 'pending' credits are waiting for you!!!

    Anything I can help that "poor Windows XP machine" with?


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  15. #15
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    actually that's nothing to do with v6.4.5 I don't think.

    I was running 6.4.5 on a couple of 64bit AMD's under CentOS just fine, though they now are running 6.5 (and have issues due to scheduling and GPUGrid making it think it needs more cpu resource ) The boinc developers are working on this for the 6.6 series coming out probably in the next few weeks..

    Waiting to report just means that it hasn't ran a scheduled report to the server in a while. This could be due to many reasons, but mainly it's the value of the 'connected to internet every X days' which should be set to 0 for always on, and yes this can be overrode at the client-side but it's not really necessary...

    After all that though, if you can I'd stick with 6.2.19 or 6.2.21 anyway due to the scheduling problems which have cropped up recently.


  16. #16
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Now I am at near full power I Cleaned out all the old work
    But now I have found 2 burned out quad fuel injectors So Afterburners will not ignite.
    I will try to pick up new ones tonight if I can

  17. #17
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Boinc on 64 bit AMD... Centos, Fedora & Otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    actually that's nothing to do with v6.4.5 I don't think.

    I was running 6.4.5 on a couple of 64bit AMD's under CentOS just fine, though they now are running 6.5 (and have issues due to scheduling and GPUGrid making it think it needs more cpu resource ) The boinc developers are working on this for the 6.6 series coming out probably in the next few weeks..

    Waiting to report just means that it hasn't ran a scheduled report to the server in a while. This could be due to many reasons, but mainly it's the value of the 'connected to internet every X days' which should be set to 0 for always on, and yes this can be overrode at the client-side but it's not really necessary...

    After all that though, if you can I'd stick with 6.2.19 or 6.2.21 anyway due to the scheduling problems which have cropped up recently.


    You are probably correct that it has nothing to do with 6.4.5 specifically. I think it has more to do with the Network Manager & other noise now in FC-9 and FC-10 which got accidentally pushed back into FC-8.

    I have experienced the scheduling problems (minor) with 6.2.15 on FC-8.... they are manageable/correctable.... I know 6.4.5 is good with other 64 bit linuxes, but I was specific to the Fedora AMD (FC-8, FC-9, and probably the FC-10 which is coming out).

    I will try 6.2.19 or .21 if you think that's got a better scheduler..... What it reports to the host (that my client is only 16% active, yet runs 98-99% efficiency) doesn't make sense. The scheduling and interface of 6.4.5 on Fedora (redhat) just doesn't want to work right, regardless of what I do, but then the Network Manager and related VPN packages have SVN conflicts like crazy.... (to the point of not even installing!!!!) ... Somehow the Tree branches for FC-9 seem to have been pushed onto FC-8 and caused heretofore unseen problems in FC-8. One such example is a standard NFS mount..... Can you believe 'No route to host' ?? when the IP of the host is in the host table and you can both PING and SSH and everything else to it, including run Sun xVM and get a SMB share from it???

    Is it worth the effort to give it to give 6.2.19/21 a try? Does it work 'better' ?


    A FDC in training, fellow supporter of Firefox.

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  18. #18
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Sounds like your problems are more with the OS than Boinc anyway right ?

    I never use the packages for BOINC anyway, I just wget the tarball and untar it and then

    ./boinc --allow_gui_remote_rpc via screen (to let me utilize boincview)

    Longtime since I used FC, I prefer CentOS these days for crunchers personally, mainly because I use it for my work stuff as my comany only supports Suse or RHEL (but CentOs works fine )

    If you are getting 'no route to host' messages, well that's a different kettle of fish... I'd switch of ipv6 first then start checking the routing..


  19. #19
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    There is no 6.2.19 or 6.2.21 left anymore in the x86_64 side at boincdl.

    I would much rather download the sources and compile my own. that way I get an AMD64 scheduled version anyway.... meaning the benchmarks come out correctly, etc.

    I do have my client connection value == 0. It likes that.... Now, I found something, possibly related and please verify that if you specify 100.00 (make sure to put in the .00) for your cpu utilization and loading parameters (bottom two) of the processors tab that all is still ok for you; that you don't get a stderr report from the project attached to your results. It reports errors for me... and then 'ignores' the invalid XML value of 100.00 It also ignores the invalid date.... I presume the completion date deadline (in unix time format) because it's also a float (.00000) and not an integer (which time and cpu% should be..... as in eg.100%).

    I will continue to look at results and see what I can find... and perhaps we can figure out if it is my machine/client or the project ??? It has not impacted my results validity OTHER than lowering the claimed credits and artificallly raising the CPU time used. ~10,000 seconds???? these things are done in approx 2 hrs except for the P4, which does have some issues and takes about 9,000 seconds

    If this is 6.2.15 related, then I understand..... and will have to find a way to get something better... even if 32 bit mode only.

    As for the NFS issue.... I know that is the 'NetworkManager' package..... I have a work around by putting in manual routing statements into the table for host->host NFS connections and all is fine. Yet if you look at 'netstat -r' everything is fine there.... Again, another FC-9 error that has NEVER existed before in FC-8. I never had this problem until FC-9 came out. Perhaps it's time to switch / try something else in spite of my long standing familiarity to Suse and Redhat Linux.
    (More personal + professional with Redhat, but experience with Suse at the personal level as well in the early days)....

    Is is perhaps time to drop BACK to a 32 bit install for running boinc? I know that's why my benchmarks are messed up.... it was a perfect piece of algebra to compute the correct value that BOINC reported.

    It does make sense for 32 bit boinc..... if this project is 32 bit based (even if 64 bit wrapped)....

    Things like OGR really do benefit from 64 bit mode. Personal projects (video, audio, math, etc) and true boinc 64 bit math are fantastic in 64 bit mode. aka... anything moving data or doing real 64 bit final or interim result math, benefits. (more work / clock... plain and simple).

    Advice? A 32 bit and a 64 bit install of Fedora or Suse or ????? (just not Gentoo or Ubuntu please.... <grin>)

    FWIW: BOINC is the ONLY application I have trouble with in 64 bit mode other than the OS NFS glitch in the routing table


    here is what I got....
    Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: computation_deadline
    Skipping: 1231497971.000000
    Skipping: /computation_deadline
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: mod_time
    Skipping: /mod_time
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: max_ncpus_pct
    Skipping: 100.000000
    Skipping: /max_ncpus_pct
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (6.667 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (13.333 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (20.000 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (26.667 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (33.333 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (40.000 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (46.667 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (53.333 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (60.000 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (66.667 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (73.333 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (80.000 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (86.667 %)
    APP: NQueen checkpoint done (93.333 %)

    A FDC in training, fellow supporter of Firefox.

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  20. #20
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Question IPV4 , V6 vs NFSV4 ??? *** Off TOPIC but BOINC related

    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Sounds like your problems are more with the OS than Boinc anyway right ? ........ If you are getting 'no route to host' messages, well that's a different kettle of fish... I'd switch of ipv6 first then start checking the routing..


    I found it...... combo of a) firewall/ iptables and b) SELINUX...... i know the game now..Fedora's "permissive" is not as permissive as it claims, neither is the firewall. Ports are open, 'no route to host magically disappeared, proper ports are open / specified and all is

    sorry for off-topic, but now I can control it all from one machine AND have the proper ports open..... DAMN, it's tighter than a ........... censored..............

    Last edited by Chuck; 12-30-2008 at 08:52 PM. Reason: found issue....

    A FDC in training, fellow supporter of Firefox.

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  21. #21
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I switch off permissive mode most of the time anyway. I run an OpenBSD firewall on an old P2-333 that has been running for 10 years and has never been breached, so don't worry about the machines behind it too much.

    Forget about benchmarks in boinc, they are mostly not used anyway. They can be easily artificially inflated so most projects, long ago, gave up using whatever the client claims for credits..

    IOW you gain nothing by compiling your own..


  22. #22
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    That's what I did.... I turned up the firewall a notch on my fileserver.... which has never been breached... (no have I for that matter)... disabled SELINUX (the main cause), and found, since last post that putting a *(rw) instead of the older format +(rw) or just (rw) made it a) stop complaining / warning and b) start working in IPV4 or V6. Please tell me if this sounds like things are in tune: I can use tar, cpio, or just plain cp -r from a local to a NFS dir and simultaneously watch a 2 hr movie (1.7GB .mp4) in vlc using the default caching of 300 ms both on the 100Mbit side of the lan FROM the NFS'd directory. The Gb side is obviously no problem with performance. So no special tuning was required of anything.

    Sorry to have taken up post time.... and given nobody cares about the credits then why run the points race for position #1? Is it because any particular project will be statistically equally fair / unfair in credit granting and therefore even out in the end anyway? Granted some of these 'non-science' ones are fun..... a nice break from the heavy stuff.

    Thanks for taking a look at things and letting me know all is ok.... I am at 6.2.15 with 0.05 reporting interval. It runs like a champ as my stats will show .... and that is on 14.4 Ghz of cpu power 4x2.4 (partitioned into 2 VMs) and 1x 2.2 'X2' and 1x2.4, running stock + 3% speeds after having re-heatsinked all the machines this PM.

    If I do compile my own code, I will put in an affinity option (which I haven't net found in the client) so that slot 0 set affinity -> core 0, etc.... I will minimally write it up if it's not already on the boards for the next revision.... it would help overall client performance and stop the cpu/core thrashing. Also would like to set a 'minimum client priority' feature as well or just map it into some range like : (using Windows as a ref: 100% == normal, 80% ->50% = below normal, and 50%->idle == low.)

    Also got a nice little graphics card.... nice and cheap. They are clearing the shelves of anything possible given the holiday shopping was bad here. I will be leaving to go back to work next week and look forward to the warm weather. It was about 70 today and decent from what i read. Look forward to it... (sure beats 16-20F with the occasional 40F day).

    Thanks again.... exhausted here.... just rewired the lan too for dual DSLs. It's all partitioned now by IP address and the routers do the work. I'll fire up the new toy when i get home. I have some work to do yet....and then the 'burn in' testing. Once online, I will VPN to Pa from whereever I am and let it report as part of the network in Pa. It will also save me having to lug around all the HD's and big stuff. One line for normal/current open use, one for me.

    Night all...
    Thanks again Bok & IB for looking at that data.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    I switch off permissive mode most of the time anyway. I run an OpenBSD firewall on an old P2-333 that has been running for 10 years and has never been breached, so don't worry about the machines behind it too much.

    Forget about benchmarks in boinc, they are mostly not used anyway. They can be easily artificially inflated so most projects, long ago, gave up using whatever the client claims for credits..

    IOW you gain nothing by compiling your own..

    Last edited by Chuck; 12-31-2008 at 02:14 AM. Reason: forgot a word & fixed a few typos.

    A FDC in training, fellow supporter of Firefox.

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  23. #23
    Nice production, Lauren.

    And great job on passing Team Norway. Ars can use all the help we can get with lowering their overall scores.

    Simap has work flowing if you want to hit that project. Most of my machines are doing it 3 to 1 over Nqueens.

  24. #24
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Nice production, Lauren.

    And great job on passing Team Norway. Ars can use all the help we can get with lowering their overall scores.

    Simap has work flowing if you want to hit that project. Most of my machines are doing it 3 to 1 over Nqueens.
    Oh Oh now that we have our 4th member joining the fight the Ars may get added to our Hit list
    So you might have to bring your focuse back here to keep us from you

  25. #25
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Gunnery Sargent Gopher is ready for the fight...
    now or up to you..
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  26. #26
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Gunney, Load'er up

    A nice, taped, double stack of 5.56mm NATO rounds seems to do the trick. No need for anything heavier. Just make a few extra as you go to flip on the fly and or just plain as ya go! Weapons Free!

    Welcome aboard!
    Last edited by Chuck; 12-31-2008 at 12:21 PM.

    A FDC in training, fellow supporter of Firefox.

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    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Thank Sir, Locked, Loaded and ready to show 'em who's boss...
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  28. #28
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    Talking Gunney

    Weapons Free! Fire at will!

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  29. #29
    Peaches Moogie's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm in. How do I tell what is happening with it? I see the info in my tray for Aqua..but not queens. #lobby #free-dc

  30. #30
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    you might have to go through what is in you aqua buffer first

  31. #31
    Peaches Moogie's Avatar
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    That's right...50/50 and all that. Doh. #lobby #free-dc

  32. #32
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Boy LQQK
    At Chuck Go
    He jumped over 720 today

  33. #33
    Peaches Moogie's Avatar
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    Ok, added one more This one is a sorry excuse for a computer but every little bit helps. #lobby #free-dc

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    Thanks, but you DID say I was needed to help and the competition, didn't you? I'm just along, like I always do.

    BIF: to a Happy New Year to all!!!

    A FDC in training, fellow supporter of Firefox.

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  35. #35
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Welcome Gunney Gopher!!!

    Welcome Gunnery Sargent Gopher, you have target lock and doin' just fine! Keep'r going!

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  36. #36
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    I'll just keep tracking targets and taking 'em out Sir...
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  37. #37
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Nice increase in POWER Guys/Gals .
    About 2 more weeks = THEN

  38. #38
    Peaches Moogie's Avatar
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    Not much of a help ATM. Lots of credits yet.
 #lobby #free-dc

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moogie View Post
    Ok, I'm in. How do I tell what is happening with it? I see the info in my tray for Aqua..but not queens.
    If you have more than 1 PC try and grab a copy of BOINCView - not been updated in some time and the main website is dead but even so, it's still a good piece of monitoring software...I use the last beta (1.5 beta 8) with no probs here...

  40. #40
    Senior Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Talking Know the feeling, but you're ok

    Quote Originally Posted by Moogie View Post
    Not much of a help ATM. Lots of credits yet.

    It's ok... I know the feeling... It took a few hundred 'pending credits' before I got a hit.... some user named 'laurenu2' was matching up with me on WUs and he wasn't turning them around as fast as I was. He must have had a slow A** machine or a huge queue.

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